DyWeb 2019 V0.3.6.3 build 20190325.150250

Released under the LGPL open source license, Python language development, Web4.0 industry 4.0 concept, support for Windows, Linux and other operating systems HTML5 Web Framework

Used BSD open source license database PostgreSQL store data, of course, can also use the GPL open source license database MySQL or SQLite to store data.

Support Python2.7 Python3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 HTML5 and the Bootstrap3.x 4.x CSS framework.

DtDisk 2019 V0.3.5.67 build 20190412.155532

Web4.0 industry 4.0 concept digital disk, support for Windows, Linux and other operating systems.

Support HTML5 and the Bootstrap3.x 4.x CSS framework.

Buckshee, Free, Open Source

GPL Open source license: Individuals, companies, organizations, etc. can be buckshee used, have source code, secondary development & derivative modules need to be open source, and can only be open source distribution, can not be sold.

LGPL Open source license: Individuals, companies, organizations, etc. can be buckshee used, have source code, secondary development & derivative modules without open source, and can also be distributed and sold independently.

BSD Open source license: Individuals, companies, organizations, etc. can do whatever they want, including free to use, modify the source code, and redistributed the modified code as open source or proprietary software.